Benji & Tino - 14 & 16 year olds from Luxembourg

Parent of Bengi & Tino: "Bengi & Tino have safely arrived back from Camp Cooper. They had enthusiastic words to say about Camp - everybody was friendly and helpful. They learnt a lot and their English is much more fluent now. We are also happy because they practically spoke English the entire time. They even said they would have liked to have stayed longer, which is quite exceptional because they love it here in Luxembourg. We also thank you and all your staff for the enormous effort you have made and for your assistance and efficiency during the whole period. "
Bengi: "One of my favourite things about Camp Cooper was spending time with my cabin. My cain mates are now my best friends and I have made great friends with everyone. One of the electives I did was football, which is my favourite sport. The final tournament was very good, we won which made me really happy. I would like to do it again next year and I would recommend everyone else choosing football."