Varvara - 11 years old from Russia

Parent of Varvara: "Varvara is in London today... just talked to her - she is crying.... And it is difficult for me to believe that she is crying for the only reason that she woke up not in Camp Cooper!
It's amazing how you and your staff managed to make her quite a different person in just less than two weeks. I remember her telling us in the very first days that she didn't like everybody singing everywhere; now she cannot start her meal without a 20-minute rehearsal of the Camp Cooper Song.
A few days ago I suddenly realized that she enjoys speaking with me more in English, than in Russian - it's no less surprising... She is used to reading a lot in English and understands almost everything, but she was lacking speaking practice, listening to live language, native speakers and getting a real feel of various words and expressions in specific context. Camp Cooper was a perfect place for her to get all this.
Varvara was most shocked with a positive and encouraging attitudes of all the tutors and other kids at classes, games and competitions, when everybody really helps each other, rejoices at others successes and not disappoints of disapproves the losses. Such attitude is quite different from the one in her environment. We strongly believe that she has become brighter, more joyful, more appreciative of the best human features, of friendship and good will.
But the most impressive result is that Varvara, being quite an introvert, managed to make friends with several kids from many countries and wants to stay in touch with them.
She is already dreaming of coming back next year for a three week term. My wife and I are very grateful to you and all Camp Cooper for these amazing transformations, life experience and encouragement, which will help Varvara find her own way and develop attitudes to many important things in her life.
We wish you all good luck in your noble mission and more happy kids attending Camp Cooper!"