Parent of Rosie (14 years old from the UK) "My daughter did not want to leave after 2 weeks and has not stopped talking about Camp. The smiles on the Camp Cooper Facebook Page say it all really. I would have no reservations in recommending this Summer Camp to any parent looking for this type of holiday for their child."
#2 Making your child feel special

What Makes Your Child Special
Sending your child to Camp Cooper is sending your child to a place where we will look after them and care for them as if they were our own. Your child won't just be a number at Camp Cooper, we only have 110 campers at any one point and we ensure everyone feels part of the Camp environment. Our staff will look out for what makes your child special - it might be their kindness, it might be that they put others needs in front of their needs, it might be that they work hard to be a great football player, it might be that they make their bed every day without being asked - no matter what your child does, our staff will look out for what makes your child special and will tell them.
At Camp Cooper, it's not about being the most sporty or academic, it's also not about being the coolest - it's about learning to be a great person, being a great friend, how to help others and be kind. These are the special things that our staff will look out for. Praise and positive reinforcement will make children at Camp Cooper feel like a million dollars and will go home more confident and more willing to try new things.
Your Child's Emotional & Physical Safety
We have tried to create a really special & unique environment at Camp Cooper. We have created a place where children feel safe - emotionally and physically safe. We have created a place where children can create memories that will last a life-time, friendships that span the globe and learn values that will make them more independent, confident and ultimately happier young adults.
We do this through creating an atmosphere full of positivity, encouragement and silliness - children can be children. Without the normal pressures of how they look on social media or how well they are doing at school, children can enjoy themselves and have an adventure without the usual pressures of normal life.
Our Staff
Our staff are the prefect role models for the campers. We receive over 750 applications every year for only 25 staff positions. This means that we can cherry pick the most experienced applicants who will be great role models. Our staff all attend a group assessment and also do a one-to-one interview. During this, we focus on hiring applicants that are kind, caring and empathetic. You can be the best tennis player in the world but unless you are happy to put your arm around a homesick camper or able to keep being patient and funny after a tiring few days, you won't be in with a chance of being hired at Camp Cooper.
Our Activities
Our activities are carefully split into three categories - electives, cabin activities and all-camp, special events. The reason we do this is to give campers the chance to focus their time on activities they are interested in (electives), they get the chance to try completely new and different activities that their counsellor will run for their cabin group on a daily basis (cabin activities) and give the chance for campers to try completely random activities which are usually based around a make-belief theme (e.g a zombie apocalypse or the Hunger Games) for our special events.